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% rare(8) Aggregate and display information parsed from text files using regex and a simple handlebars-like expressions.

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rare - A fast regex parser, extractor and realtime aggregator







--color: Force-enable color output

--help, -h: show help

--nocolor, --nc: Disables color output

--noformat, --nf: Disable number formatting

--notrim: By default, rare will trim output text for in-place updates. Setting this flag will disable that

--nounicode, --nu: Disable usage of unicode characters

--profile="": Write application profiling information as part of execution. Specify base-name

--version, -v: print the version


filter, f

Filter incoming results with search criteria, and output raw matches

--batch="": Specifies io batching size. Set to 1 for immediate input (default: 1000)

--extract, -e="": Expression that will generate the key to group by. Specify multiple times for multi-dimensions or use {$} helper (default: {0})

--follow, -f: Read appended data as file grows

--gunzip, -z: Attempt to decompress file when reading

--ignore, -i="": Ignore a match given a truthy expression (Can have multiple)

--ignore-case, -I: Augment regex to be case insensitive

--line, -l: Output source file and line number

--match, -m="": Regex to create match groups to summarize on (default: .*)

--poll: When following a file, poll for changes rather than using inotify

--posix, -p: Compile regex as against posix standard

--readers, --wr="": Sets the number of concurrent readers (Infinite when -f) (default: 3)

--recursive, -R: Recursively walk a non-globbing path and search for plain-files

--reopen, -F: Same as -f, but will reopen recreated files

--tail, -t: When following a file, navigate to the end of the file to skip existing content

--workers, -w="": Set number of data processors (default: 3)

-n, --num="": Print the first NUM of lines seen (Not necessarily in-order) (default: 0)

histogram, h, histo

Summarize results by extracting them to a histogram

--all, -a: After summarization is complete, print all histogram buckets

--atleast="": Only show results if there are at least this many samples (default: 0)

--bars, -b: Display bars as part of histogram

--batch="": Specifies io batching size. Set to 1 for immediate input (default: 1000)

--extra, -x: Alias for -b --percentage

--extract, -e="": Expression that will generate the key to group by. Specify multiple times for multi-dimensions or use {$} helper (default: {0})

--follow, -f: Read appended data as file grows

--gunzip, -z: Attempt to decompress file when reading

--ignore, -i="": Ignore a match given a truthy expression (Can have multiple)

--ignore-case, -I: Augment regex to be case insensitive

--match, -m="": Regex to create match groups to summarize on (default: .*)

--num, -n="": Number of elements to display (default: 5)

--percentage: Display percentage of total next to the value

--poll: When following a file, poll for changes rather than using inotify

--posix, -p: Compile regex as against posix standard

--readers, --wr="": Sets the number of concurrent readers (Infinite when -f) (default: 3)

--recursive, -R: Recursively walk a non-globbing path and search for plain-files

--reopen, -F: Same as -f, but will reopen recreated files

--reverse: Reverses the display sort-order

--sortkey, --sk: Sort by key, rather than value

--tail, -t: When following a file, navigate to the end of the file to skip existing content

--workers, -w="": Set number of data processors (default: 3)

bargraph, b, bar, bars

Create a bargraph of the given 1 or 2 dimension data

--batch="": Specifies io batching size. Set to 1 for immediate input (default: 1000)

--extract, -e="": Expression that will generate the key to group by. Specify multiple times for multi-dimensions or use {$} helper (default: {0})

--follow, -f: Read appended data as file grows

--gunzip, -z: Attempt to decompress file when reading

--ignore, -i="": Ignore a match given a truthy expression (Can have multiple)

--ignore-case, -I: Augment regex to be case insensitive

--match, -m="": Regex to create match groups to summarize on (default: .*)

--poll: When following a file, poll for changes rather than using inotify

--posix, -p: Compile regex as against posix standard

--readers, --wr="": Sets the number of concurrent readers (Infinite when -f) (default: 3)

--recursive, -R: Recursively walk a non-globbing path and search for plain-files

--reopen, -F: Same as -f, but will reopen recreated files

--reverse: Reverses the display sort-order

--stacked, -s: Display bargraph as stacked

--tail, -t: When following a file, navigate to the end of the file to skip existing content

--workers, -w="": Set number of data processors (default: 3)

analyze, a

Numerical analysis on a set of filtered data

--batch="": Specifies io batching size. Set to 1 for immediate input (default: 1000)

--extra, -x: Displays extra analysis on the data (Requires more memory and cpu)

--extract, -e="": Expression that will generate the key to group by. Specify multiple times for multi-dimensions or use {$} helper (default: {0})

--follow, -f: Read appended data as file grows

--gunzip, -z: Attempt to decompress file when reading

--ignore, -i="": Ignore a match given a truthy expression (Can have multiple)

--ignore-case, -I: Augment regex to be case insensitive

--match, -m="": Regex to create match groups to summarize on (default: .*)

--poll: When following a file, poll for changes rather than using inotify

--posix, -p: Compile regex as against posix standard

--quantile, -q="": Adds a quantile to the output set. Requires --extra (default: 90,99,99.9)

--readers, --wr="": Sets the number of concurrent readers (Infinite when -f) (default: 3)

--recursive, -R: Recursively walk a non-globbing path and search for plain-files

--reopen, -F: Same as -f, but will reopen recreated files

--reverse, -r: Reverses the numerical series when ordered-analysis takes place (eg Quantile)

--tail, -t: When following a file, navigate to the end of the file to skip existing content

--workers, -w="": Set number of data processors (default: 3)

tabulate, t, table

Create a 2D summarizing table of extracted data

--batch="": Specifies io batching size. Set to 1 for immediate input (default: 1000)

--cols="": Number of columns to display (default: 10)

--delim="": Character to tabulate on. Use {$} helper by default (default: )

--extract, -e="": Expression that will generate the key to group by. Specify multiple times for multi-dimensions or use {$} helper (default: {0})

--follow, -f: Read appended data as file grows

--gunzip, -z: Attempt to decompress file when reading

--ignore, -i="": Ignore a match given a truthy expression (Can have multiple)

--ignore-case, -I: Augment regex to be case insensitive

--match, -m="": Regex to create match groups to summarize on (default: .*)

--num, -n="": Number of elements to display (default: 20)

--poll: When following a file, poll for changes rather than using inotify

--posix, -p: Compile regex as against posix standard

--readers, --wr="": Sets the number of concurrent readers (Infinite when -f) (default: 3)

--recursive, -R: Recursively walk a non-globbing path and search for plain-files

--reopen, -F: Same as -f, but will reopen recreated files

--sortkey, --sk: Sort rows by key name rather than by values

--tail, -t: When following a file, navigate to the end of the file to skip existing content

--workers, -w="": Set number of data processors (default: 3)


Access detailed documentation

--no-pager, -n: Don't use pager to view documentation

help, h

Shows a list of commands or help for one command